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How to Build the Perfect Fire in Your Fireplace

Winter time is the perfect time to relax together in the living room by the fire. Whether you’re drinking a hot cup of cider and playing games with your family or enjoying some romantic one-on-one time with your special someone, the fireplace is the perfect place to relax. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your fireplace this holiday season.

  • When you clean out your fireplace from the last fire, leave about one inch of ash. This will help the fire get hotter faster.
  • Create a U- shape in your fireplace with your logs. Next, stack your smaller dry sticks, pine cones and even dried orange peels. These materials will be the first to catch. You should only use about 10 of these pieces depending on the size of your fireplace.
  • When about 2/3 of the fire is glowing red (not roaring) go ahead and add another large log or two. This should be about an hour into your fire.
  • Remember to snuff your fire before bed. Never leave the home or go to bed with a fire still burning.
  • TIP: Remember to have your chimney checked out before starting any fires to make sure that it is working properly!

You’re ready! Get cozy by your fire place and enjoy some time relaxing with your loved ones. At RNR Moving, we’re wishing everyone a happy and healthy new year. We hope you return to work and school feeling refreshed and relaxed and ready to face the new year head on!